Wyoming Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Chiropractic Practice in Wyoming
The Wyoming Board of Chiropractic Examiners frequently receives requests to determine whether or not a specific function or equipment would be permitted for chiropractors in Wyoming to do or use.
Generally speaking, if the practice is within the scope of practice as defined in the Board's Practice Act and is included in a CCE accredited chiropractic school's curriculum, it would be appropriate practice. The Board recommends licensees consult with their own attorneys to determine if they are appropriately complying with the Board's Practice Act and Rules.
There may be times the Board finds it necessary to make specific determinations about various practice related questions. As they are determined, they are posted in the Wyoming Practice Guidance document.
To request for the Board to consider if a specific practice or treatment falls within the Board's scope of practice, please complete the Scope of Practice Request form linked below. Requests must be accompanied by relevant research findings.